If you have not previously merged this card and it still is not being recognised, ensure you are on the correct site. You can choose between USD, GBP, SEK, and CAD. AUD cards cannot be merged, but you can still check the balance here.
You will not receive a new Gift Card when merging the cards. During the merge process, you will have selected to ‘Keep’ one of your original cards. If unsure, check the balance of your old cards, one of them will contain the full merged balance.
If your booking is fully refundable, a new gift card will be sent to the email address used for your hotel reservation. Please note that your old gift card will not be reloaded. The eGift will be sent by our partner, Cashstar, and may sometimes end up in your junk or spam folder. Be sure to check there before reaching out to the Hotels.com Gift Card team.
While it is possible to switch to a site that matches your currency, it's not recommended. Doing so may limit the number of available options when booking in a currency other than your own.
For addtional information, please contact us here or email us at giftcards@hotels.com.
If you would like to report a lost or stolen Hotels.com gift card, please click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to to Security and Reliability.